Album details

Artist Tourniquet / Ted Kirkpatrick
Album Onward To Freedom
Year 2014
Album DR 07
Min. track DR 05
Max. track DR 11
Track DR
11 06 06 11 06 06 05 08 06 10 06 08
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Source Download
Label Pathogenic Records
Label code
Catalog number
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Log file
Folder Path:   E:\FLAC Music\Tourniquet - Ted Kirkpatrick - ONWARD TO FREEDOM

                                                                                                                            File Name | Format |    SR | Word Length | Max. TPL |  LUFSi | DR (PMF) | 

                                                      Tourniquet - Ted Kirkpatrick - ONWARD TO FREEDOM - 01 Onward to Freedom Prelude |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -2.53 | -18.81 |       11 | 
              Tourniquet - Ted Kirkpatrick - ONWARD TO FREEDOM - 02 Onward to Freedom – Featuring Michael Sweet and Mattie Montgomery |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +2.07 |  -6.79 |        6 | 
   Tourniquet - Ted Kirkpatrick - ONWARD TO FREEDOM - 03 The Slave Ring – Featuring Mattie Montgomery, Nick Villars, and Chris Poland |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +2.26 |  -7.59 |        6 | 
                                  Tourniquet - Ted Kirkpatrick - ONWARD TO FREEDOM - 04 The Noble Case for Mercy – Featuring Ed Asner |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -4.48 | -18.47 |       11 | 
Tourniquet - Ted Kirkpatrick - ONWARD TO FREEDOM - 05 Let the Wild Just Be Wild – Featuring Gabbie Rae, Nick Villars, And Rex Carroll |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +1.69 |  -7.18 |        6 | 
                             Tourniquet - Ted Kirkpatrick - ONWARD TO FREEDOM - 06 No Soul – Featuring Dug Pinnick and Bruce Franklin |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +1.96 |  -7.48 |        6 | 
            Tourniquet - Ted Kirkpatrick - ONWARD TO FREEDOM - 07 If I Had to Do the Killing – Featuring Kevin Young and Aaron Guerra |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +2.29 |  -7.32 |        5 | 
                                                                 Tourniquet - Ted Kirkpatrick - ONWARD TO FREEDOM - 08 Virtual Embryo |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -2.07 | -16.14 |        8 | 
              Tourniquet - Ted Kirkpatrick - ONWARD TO FREEDOM - 09 Stereotaxic Atrocities – Featuring Luke Easter and Marty Friedman |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +2.44 |  -7.63 |        6 | 
                                          Tourniquet - Ted Kirkpatrick - ONWARD TO FREEDOM - 10 Animal Crossing At the Rainbow Bridge |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -1.89 | -15.59 |       10 | 
     Tourniquet - Ted Kirkpatrick - ONWARD TO FREEDOM - 11 Drowning in Air – Featuring Blake Suddath, Nick Villars, And Tony Palacios |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +1.85 |  -8.23 |        6 | 
                               Tourniquet - Ted Kirkpatrick - ONWARD TO FREEDOM - 12 Cage 23 – Featuring Gabbie Rae and Ashley Argota |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.92 |  -9.98 |        8 | 

Number of EP/Album Files: 12
Official EP/Album DR: 7
Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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