Album details

Artist Faces
Album First Step (Warner Archives)
Year 1993
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 10
Max. track DR 13
Track DR
12 10 11 13 12 11 13 12 12 10
Codec MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3)
Source CD
Label Warner Bros.
Label code
Catalog number 1851-2
Bar code 075992637626
Country US
Comment No year but approx 1993; Mastered by Lee Herschberg; Matrix: 1 1851-2 SRC**01 M2S1
Log file
 Analyzed folder: /Users/Jim/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Faces/First Step (Warner Archives)
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR12		-0.84 dB 	-15.02 dB 	2-202 Pineapple And The Monkey (Instrumental).mp3
 DR10		-1.83 dB 	-13.56 dB 	1-103 Shake, Shudder, Shiver.mp3
 DR11		-2.44 dB 	-16.19 dB 	1-104 Stone (voc_ Ronnie Lane).mp3
 DR13		-1.66 dB 	-17.19 dB 	1-105 Around The Plynth.mp3
 DR12		-1.60 dB 	-15.48 dB 	2-204 Looking Out The Window (Instrumental).mp3
 DR11		-2.24 dB 	-15.68 dB 	2-205 Three Button Hand Me Down.mp3
 DR13		-0.58 dB 	-17.28 dB 	1-102 Devotion.mp3
 DR12		-2.16 dB 	-17.08 dB 	2-203 Nobody Knows.mp3
 DR12		-1.08 dB 	-14.98 dB 	2-201 Flying.mp3
 DR10		-0.78 dB 	-13.01 dB 	1-101 Wicked Messenger.mp3

 Number of files:	10
 Official DR value:	DR12

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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