Album details

Artist Fell From The Tree
Album Catastrophize
Year 2019
Album DR 08
Min. track DR 07
Max. track DR 09
Track DR
09 09 08 07 07 09 08 09 09 09
Codec MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3)
Source Download
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Comment Sound quality is inconsistent but the dynamic range is very good for a 2019 electronic record.
Log file
 Analyzed folder: /Fell From The Tree - Catastrophize
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR9		-0.04 dB 	-11.10 dB 	Fell From The Tree - Catastrophize - 06 Hard To Love.mp3
 DR9		-0.14 dB 	-10.59 dB 	Fell From The Tree - Catastrophize - 07 If We Ever Make It Out.mp3
 DR8		-0.17 dB 	-9.23 dB 	Fell From The Tree - Catastrophize - 03 Days Pass By.mp3
 DR7		-0.02 dB 	-8.81 dB 	Fell From The Tree - Catastrophize - 01 Voices.mp3
 DR7		-0.12 dB 	-9.35 dB 	Fell From The Tree - Catastrophize - 04 No One Is Going To Sleep Tonight.mp3
 DR9		-0.07 dB 	-10.80 dB 	Fell From The Tree - Catastrophize - 05 Nothing Left.mp3
 DR8		-0.14 dB 	-10.33 dB 	Fell From The Tree - Catastrophize - 02 Like I See You.mp3
 DR9		-0.07 dB 	-10.01 dB 	Fell From The Tree - Catastrophize - 10 Blank Screen.mp3
 DR9		-0.16 dB 	-11.58 dB 	Fell From The Tree - Catastrophize - 08 3-59.mp3
 DR9		-0.11 dB 	-11.72 dB 	Fell From The Tree - Catastrophize - 09 Don't Be Tired of Waiting.mp3

 Number of files:	10
 Official DR value:	DR8

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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