Album details

Artist Squeeze
Album Babylon And On
Year 1987
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 10
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
12 12 13 14 13 14 12 12 12 13 12 14 12 10
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label A+M
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Country UK
Comment Has two bonus tracks not on US cd.
Log file
 Analyzed folder: C:\Users\Scott\Desktop\Squeeze\Babylon and on\
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR12	  -0.22 dB	 -15.28 dB	 01 Squeeze - Hourglass.wav
 DR12	  -0.91 dB	 -15.08 dB	 02 Squeeze - Footprints.wav
 DR13	  -0.54 dB	 -15.15 dB	 03 Squeeze - Tough Love.wav
 DR14	  -0.98 dB	 -16.31 dB	 04 Squeeze - The Prisoner.wav
 DR13	  -0.93 dB	 -17.27 dB	 05 Squeeze - 853-5937.wav
 DR14	  -0.72 dB	 -16.03 dB	 06 Squeeze - In Today's Room.wav
 DR12	  -0.25 dB	 -14.75 dB	 07 Squeeze - Trust Me to Open My Mouth.wav
 DR12	  -0.17 dB	 -14.32 dB	 08 Squeeze - Striking Matches.wav
 DR12	  -0.00 dB	 -14.12 dB	 09 Squeeze - Cigarette of a Single Man.wav
 DR13	  -0.05 dB	 -15.08 dB	 10 Squeeze - Who Are You¿.wav
 DR12	  -1.32 dB	 -17.05 dB	 11 Squeeze - The Waiting Game.wav
 DR14	  -0.05 dB	 -17.25 dB	 12 Squeeze - Some Americans.wav
 DR12	  -0.59 dB	 -14.89 dB	 13 Squeeze - Splitting into Three.wav
 DR10	  -2.30 dB	 -14.56 dB	 14 Squeeze - Wedding Bells.wav

 Number of files:    14
 Official DR value:  DR12 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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