Album details

Artist Gasolin
Album The Black Box (Gas5)
Year 2003
Album DR 07
Min. track DR 05
Max. track DR 07
Track DR
05 06 06 07 06 07 07 07 06 07
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label C:\Program Files (x86)\Algorithmix
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Country Denmark
Comment Oploadet af T-buch - I noterne står der, at remastereringen er sket i respekt for "den oprindelige Gasolin-lyd". På boksen er lyden angrebet af Loudness-uhyret og en hidsig diskant - og lyder meget anderledes fra LPerne, hvorfor man så logisk må konkludere at lyden på de opr. LPer altså så ikke er den rigtige "gasolin-lyd"
Log file
 Analyzed folder: Gasolin - Black Box\
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR5	  -0.10 dB	  -6.54 dB	 Gasolin - Gas 5 (The Black Box) 1) Rabalderstræde.wav
 DR6	  -0.10 dB	  -7.74 dB	 Gasolin - Gas 5 (The Black Box) 10) Good Time Charlie.wav
 DR6	  -0.10 dB	  -7.75 dB	 Gasolin - Gas 5 (The Black Box) 2) Fatherless Hill.wav
 DR7	  -0.10 dB	  -8.46 dB	 Gasolin - Gas 5 (The Black Box) 3) Lonesome Avenue.wav
 DR6	  -0.10 dB	  -8.03 dB	 Gasolin - Gas 5 (The Black Box) 4) Sjagge.wav
 DR7	  -0.10 dB	  -8.75 dB	 Gasolin - Gas 5 (The Black Box) 5) Masser Af Succes.wav
 DR7	  -0.10 dB	  -7.96 dB	 Gasolin - Gas 5 (The Black Box) 6) Refrainet Er Frit.wav
 DR7	  -0.10 dB	  -7.88 dB	 Gasolin - Gas 5 (The Black Box) 7) Kvinde Min.wav
 DR6	  -0.10 dB	  -7.93 dB	 Gasolin - Gas 5 (The Black Box) 8) 1975.wav
 DR7	  -0.10 dB	  -8.82 dB	 Gasolin - Gas 5 (The Black Box) 9) SCT. Emetri.wav

 Number of files:    10
 Official DR value:  DR7 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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