Album details

Artist Darkthrone
Album Sempiternal Past (The Darkthrone Demos)
Year 2011
Album DR 11
Min. track DR 10
Max. track DR 12
Track DR
11 11 11 11 10 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 10 10 10
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source Vinyl
Label Peaceville
Label code LC 01702
Catalog number vilelp354
Bar code 801056835413
Country United Kingdom
Comment Nagaoka MP-100 Cartridge / Pionner A-10 Integrated Amplifier / Reloop RP1000M Turntable
Log file
 Analyzed folder: C:\Darkthrone\Sempiternal Past (The Darkthrone Demos) [Vinyl Rip]
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR11	  -9.18 dB	 -21.75 dB	 01 - Land of Frost.wav
 DR11	  -9.58 dB	 -21.83 dB	 02 - Winds of Triton.wav
 DR11	  -8.57 dB	 -22.19 dB	 03 - Forest of Darkness.wav
 DR11	  -9.89 dB	 -22.38 dB	 04 - Odyssey of Freedom.wav
 DR10	 -10.44 dB	 -22.61 dB	 05 - Day of the Dead.wav
 DR11	 -11.51 dB	 -26.17 dB	 06 - Intro- Twilight Dimension.wav
 DR11	  -8.91 dB	 -21.99 dB	 07 - Snowfall.wav
 DR12	  -8.79 dB	 -22.76 dB	 08 - Eon.wav
 DR12	  -8.66 dB	 -22.81 dB	 09 - Tulcandra.wav
 DR12	  -6.98 dB	 -22.09 dB	 10 - Archipelago.wav
 DR11	  -5.03 dB	 -22.96 dB	 11 - The Watchtower.wav
 DR11	 -10.73 dB	 -23.11 dB	 12 - Accumulation of Generalization.wav
 DR11	 -11.22 dB	 -23.20 dB	 13 - Sempiternal Past - Presence View Sepulchrality.wav
 DR11	  -8.65 dB	 -21.26 dB	 14 - Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocia.wav
 DR10	  -9.89 dB	 -22.36 dB	 15 - Soria Moria Slott.wav
 DR10	 -10.24 dB	 -22.44 dB	 16 - Eon - Thulcandra.wav
 DR10	  -9.04 dB	 -22.58 dB	 17 - God of Disturbance and Friction.wav

 Number of files:    17
 Official DR value:  DR11 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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