Album details

Artist Uncanny
Album Splenium for Nyktophobia
Year 2015
Album DR 11
Min. track DR 10
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
11 10 10 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 10 10 14
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source Vinyl
Label The Crypt
Label code
Catalog number CRYPT 11
Bar code
Country U.S.A.
Comment Blue Vinyl.
Log file
 Analyzed folder: Uncanny/Splenium for Nyktophobia (2015 The Crypt - Blue Vinyl Rip)
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR11	 -10.45 dB	 -23.85 dB	 01 - Elohim.wav
 DR10	 -11.68 dB	 -23.72 dB	 02 - Tales From the Tomb.wav
 DR10	 -11.19 dB	 -23.51 dB	 03 - Brain Access.wav
 DR12	  -7.57 dB	 -23.42 dB	 04 - Timeless.wav
 DR11	 -11.37 dB	 -23.80 dB	 05 - Screaming in Phobia.wav
 DR11	 -12.10 dB	 -25.07 dB	 06 - Enkelbiljetten.wav
 DR12	 -10.74 dB	 -23.78 dB	 07 - Indication Vitalis.wav
 DR11	 -11.00 dB	 -23.89 dB	 08 - Soul Incest.wav
 DR11	 -11.68 dB	 -24.09 dB	 09 - Spräng Skitten.wav
 DR11	 -11.45 dB	 -23.99 dB	 10 - Towards the Endless Throne.wav
 DR10	 -10.95 dB	 -22.39 dB	 11 - Lepra.wav
 DR10	 -11.26 dB	 -22.82 dB	 12 - The Final Conflict.wav
 DR14	 -13.43 dB	 -32.14 dB	 13 - Splenium for Nyktophobia.wav

 Number of files:    13
 Official DR value:  DR11 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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