Album details

Artist Keith Jarrett
Album The Mourning of a Star
Year 2015
Album DR 11
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
11 14 10 12 13 11 09 11 11 11 14
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Rhino Entertainment Company
Label code 01635
Catalog number 0081227955397-4
Bar code 0 081227 955397
Country Germany
Comment 2015 CD rerelease of 1971 album as part of "Original Album Series" 5-CD set; originally released as Atlantic Stereo SD1596. Recorded at Atlantic Recording Studios, New York, N.Y. Recording and re-mix engineer: Lewis Hahn Produced by George Avakian
Log file
 Analyzed Folder: /Users/JediJoker/Music/XLD Drops/The Mourning of a Star/The Mourning of a Star_dr.txt
DR         Peak       RMS        Filename                      

DR11       over       -13.12 dB  1-01 Keith Jarrett, Charlie Haden & Paul Motian - Follow The Crooked Path (Though It Be Longer).aiff
DR14       -1.80 dB   -20.98 dB  1-02 Keith Jarrett, Charlie Haden & Paul Motian - Interlude No_ 3.aiff
DR10       -0.02 dB   -11.69 dB  1-03 Keith Jarrett, Charlie Haden & Paul Motian - Standing Outside.aiff
DR12       -0.05 dB   -17.34 dB  1-04 Keith Jarrett, Charlie Haden & Paul Motian - Everything That Lives Laments.aiff
DR13       -0.00 dB   -15.93 dB  1-05 Keith Jarrett, Charlie Haden & Paul Motian - Interlude No_ 1.aiff
DR11       -0.01 dB   -12.12 dB  1-06 Keith Jarrett, Charlie Haden & Paul Motian - Trust.aiff
DR9        -0.04 dB   -10.72 dB  1-07 Keith Jarrett, Charlie Haden & Paul Motian - All I Want.aiff
DR11       over       -12.34 dB  1-08 Keith Jarrett, Charlie Haden & Paul Motian - Traces of You.aiff
DR11       -0.01 dB   -12.22 dB  1-09 Keith Jarrett, Charlie Haden & Paul Motian - The Mourning of a Star.aiff
DR11       -3.02 dB   -18.13 dB  1-10 Keith Jarrett, Charlie Haden & Paul Motian - Interlude No_ 2.aiff
DR14       -0.02 dB   -16.51 dB  1-11 Keith Jarrett, Charlie Haden & Paul Motian - Sympathy.aiff

 Number of Files: 11
 Official DR Value: DR11

Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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