Album details

Artist Shoji Meguro
Album Persona 5 Original Soundtrack OST CD 2
Year 2017
Album DR 09
Min. track DR 07
Max. track DR 13
Track DR
08 07 08 09 08 07 07 10 08 08 13 12 09 10 09 07 09 07 08 09 08 09 08 09 07 11 08 09 09 10 08 08 08 10 11 09 08 08 09 08 12 10
Codec MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3)
Source CD
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Log file
 Analyzed folder: C:\Users\x\Desktop\p5cd2\
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR8	  -0.00 dB	  -9.45 dB	 2-01 Tokyo Daylight.mp3
 DR7	  -0.04 dB	  -9.57 dB	 2-02 Butterfly Kiss.mp3
 DR8	  -0.00 dB	 -10.04 dB	 2-03 Mementos.mp3
 DR9	  -0.65 dB	 -11.54 dB	 2-04 Have a Short Rest.mp3
 DR8	  -1.64 dB	 -15.36 dB	 2-05 Suspicious Person.mp3
 DR7	  -1.13 dB	 -10.30 dB	 2-06 My Homie.mp3
 DR7	  -0.55 dB	  -9.96 dB	 2-07 Wicked Plan.mp3
 DR10	  -0.73 dB	 -12.14 dB	 2-08 A Woman.mp3
 DR8	  -0.16 dB	 -10.90 dB	 2-09 A Woman -Another Version-.mp3
 DR8	  -1.01 dB	 -12.21 dB	 2-10 Sunset Bridge.mp3
 DR13	  -0.12 dB	 -14.78 dB	 2-11 Days of Sisters.mp3
 DR12	  -2.18 dB	 -16.65 dB	 2-12 Beneath the Mask -Rain-.mp3
 DR9	  -0.01 dB	 -12.23 dB	 2-13 Crossroads.mp3
 DR10	  -0.61 dB	 -13.53 dB	 2-14 Suspicion.mp3
 DR9	  -0.00 dB	  -9.65 dB	 2-15 High Pressure.mp3
 DR7	  -0.54 dB	  -9.25 dB	 2-16 Price.mp3
 DR9	  -0.01 dB	 -10.63 dB	 2-17 Price -Another Version-.mp3
 DR7	  -0.80 dB	  -9.48 dB	 2-18 Keeper of Lust.mp3
 DR8	  -0.52 dB	 -10.24 dB	 2-19 Life Goes On.mp3
 DR9	  -0.44 dB	 -10.57 dB	 2-20 Memories of Summer.mp3
 DR8	  -1.69 dB	 -11.48 dB	 2-21 Treading on Scorched Sand.mp3
 DR9	  -0.49 dB	 -11.75 dB	 2-22 When Mother Was There (Another Version).mp3
 DR8	  -0.85 dB	  -9.70 dB	 2-23 When Mother Was There.mp3
 DR9	  -0.00 dB	 -10.48 dB	 2-24 Alleycat.mp3
 DR7	  -0.87 dB	  -8.59 dB	 2-25 The Collapse of Wrath.mp3
 DR11	  -1.05 dB	 -13.46 dB	 2-26 Alright -Elp Version-.mp3
 DR8	  -0.27 dB	  -9.70 dB	 2-27 New Beginning.mp3
 DR9	  -0.97 dB	 -10.96 dB	 2-28 Hawaii.mp3
 DR9	  -0.24 dB	 -10.89 dB	 2-29 Alright.mp3
 DR10	  -0.06 dB	 -12.26 dB	 2-30 Break it Down -Elp Version-.mp3
 DR8	  -0.48 dB	 -10.37 dB	 2-31 The Spirit.mp3
 DR8	  -0.23 dB	  -9.43 dB	 2-32 What's Going On_.mp3
 DR8	  -1.08 dB	 -12.34 dB	 2-33 Sweet.mp3
 DR10	  -0.04 dB	 -12.37 dB	 2-34 Big Bang Burger March.mp3
 DR11	  -0.12 dB	 -12.55 dB	 2-35 TRIPLE SEVEN.mp3
 DR9	  -3.48 dB	 -14.23 dB	 2-36 Crane Game.mp3
 DR8	  -0.35 dB	 -13.41 dB	 2-37 Planetarium.mp3
 DR8	   over    	 -10.16 dB	 2-38 Home Electronics Store.mp3
 DR9	  -0.00 dB	 -10.03 dB	 2-39 Welcome Home, Master.mp3
 DR8	  -0.97 dB	 -11.45 dB	 2-40 Time to Repent.mp3
 DR12	  -0.91 dB	 -15.17 dB	 2-41 Destinyland.mp3
 DR10	  -0.00 dB	 -10.91 dB	 2-42 Tanaka's Shady Commodities.mp3

 Number of files:    42
 Official DR value:  DR9 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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