Album details

Artist The Barbed Wire Cutters
Album The Barbed Wire Cutters
Year 2002
Album DR 11
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 13
Track DR
11 09 11 13 12 13 11 11 11 11 10 12 10 12
Codec Advanced Audio Coding (AAC/MP4/M4A)
Source CD
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Country US
Log file
 Analyzed folder:  Barbed Wire Cutters
 DR	Peak	RMS	Duration	File name	
 DR11	 -0.09 dB	 -13.16 dB	 2:39	 01 Uncle Pen.m4a	
 DR9	 -0.00 dB	 -11.55 dB	 3:00	 02 Ten Degrees and Getting Colder.m4a	
 DR11	 -0.14 dB	 -13.60 dB	 2:50	 03 Paddy in the Landfill _ Done Gone.m4a	
 DR13	 -0.23 dB	 -15.47 dB	 4:49	 04 Punkin Brown.m4a	
 DR12	 -0.15 dB	 -13.98 dB	 3:00	 05 Otto Wood.m4a	
 DR13	 -0.09 dB	 -17.32 dB	 0:44	 06 Prelude to Bald Head.m4a	
 DR11	 -0.08 dB	 -13.12 dB	 3:12	 07 Bald Head.m4a	
 DR11	 -0.00 dB	 -13.26 dB	 3:35	 08 Angelfire.m4a	
 DR11	 -0.01 dB	 -12.88 dB	 4:21	 09 Hold Whatcha Got.m4a	
 DR11	 -0.02 dB	 -13.23 dB	 5:16	 10 Little Sadie _ John Brown's March.m4a	
 DR10	 -0.99 dB	 -12.11 dB	 2:14	 11 Sackett's Harbor.m4a	
 DR12	 -0.17 dB	 -13.42 dB	 3:50	 12 O Lord You Know.m4a	
 DR10	 -0.00 dB	 -12.02 dB	 2:39	 13 Red Clay Halo.m4a	
 DR12	 -0.00 dB	 -16.81 dB	 10:18	 14 Dusty Miller.m4a	
Number of files:    14
Official DR value:  DR11
Dr14 T.meter 1.96.0 
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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