Album details

Artist Mors Principium Est
Album Inhumanity (2016 remaster)
Year 2016
Album DR 05
Min. track DR 04
Max. track DR 07
Track DR
05 04 04 05 05 05 06 05 05 05 05 07 06
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Source CD
Label Listenable Records
Label code
Catalog number POSH046
Bar code
Country Europe
Comment "Listenable Records" needs to change their name or change their game, obviously.
Log file
generated by
log date: 2018-03-23 12:20:53

Analyzed: Mors Principium Est — Inhumanity

DR         Peak         RMS     Duration Track
DR5       -1.46 dB    -6.95 dB      4:57 01-Another Creation
DR4       -1.46 dB    -6.58 dB      3:43 02-Eternity's Child
DR4       -1.46 dB    -6.67 dB      3:40 03-In My Words
DR5       -1.46 dB    -7.26 dB      3:16 04-Inhumanity
DR5       -1.46 dB    -6.82 dB      4:44 05-D.I.B.
DR5       -1.46 dB    -7.07 dB      4:25 06-The Lust Called Knowledge
DR6       -3.47 dB   -14.42 dB      2:12 07-Oblivion
DR5       -1.46 dB    -7.41 dB      3:40 08-Life In Black
DR5       -1.46 dB    -7.00 dB      2:45 09-Last Apprentice
DR5       -1.46 dB    -7.98 dB      5:13 10-Into Illusion
DR5       -0.05 dB    -6.48 dB      4:01 11-The Lust Called Knowledge (2005 Remix) (Bonus Track)
DR7       -0.05 dB    -8.14 dB      3:18 12-Inhumanity (Live) (Bonus Track)
DR6       -0.03 dB    -8.01 dB      6:24 13-Pure (Live) (Bonus Track)

Number of tracks:  13
Official DR value: DR5

Samplerate:        44100 Hz
Channels:          2
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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