Album details

Artist Merzbow
Album Metalvelodrome: Exposition of Electro-Vivisection
Year 1993
Album DR 04
Min. track DR 01
Max. track DR 06
Track DR
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Alchemy Records
Label code
Catalog number ARCD-061/64
Bar code
Country Japan
Log file
 Analyzed folder: C:\Users\foo\Desktop\Merzbow - Metalvelodrome\
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR4	   over    	  -4.14 dB	 1-01 Armless.wav
 DR2	   over    	  -3.63 dB	 1-02 Retro.wav
 DR3	   over    	  -3.55 dB	 1-03 G-Pot in Odd Meter.wav
 DR4	  -0.01 dB	  -5.46 dB	 1-04 Morbid Dick.wav
 DR3	  -0.00 dB	  -4.28 dB	 1-05 Polycain Type.wav
 DR4	  -0.01 dB	  -6.76 dB	 1-06 Bluedelick.wav
 DR3	   over    	  -4.05 dB	 1-07 Two for Miles.wav
 DR4	  -0.00 dB	  -6.85 dB	 2-01 Neon Worms.wav
 DR4	  -0.97 dB	  -7.58 dB	 2-02 Traveling.wav
 DR4	  -2.62 dB	 -10.55 dB	 2-03 No. 3.wav
 DR4	  -2.50 dB	  -9.31 dB	 2-04 HGL Made a Race for the Last Brain.wav
 DR3	  -2.21 dB	  -7.32 dB	 2-05 Electric Moon Tum-Tik.wav
 DR4	  -0.00 dB	  -6.83 dB	 2-06 Pink Surf Nitro.wav
 DR4	  -0.00 dB	  -5.75 dB	 2-07 Scum Rider.wav
 DR3	  -0.13 dB	  -5.18 dB	 2-08 Hitchhike to Kill.wav
 DR4	   over    	  -7.12 dB	 3-01 Die Fruchtbareit in der Ehe - Another Crash for High Tide.wav
 DR3	  -1.30 dB	  -6.17 dB	 3-02 Soul to Seoul.wav
 DR2	  -0.40 dB	  -5.28 dB	 3-03 ~ Blood Sadist Goes to Nudist.wav
 DR4	  -2.39 dB	  -8.41 dB	 4-01 Metal Man Has Hornet
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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