Album details

Artist The Legendary Pink Dots
Album Seconds Late For The Brighton Line
Year 2010
Album DR 08
Min. track DR 07
Max. track DR 09
Track DR
09 09 07 08 08 09 08 07 08
Codec Apple Lossless (ALAC/MP4/M4A)
Source CD
Label Reachout
Label code RUSCD
Catalog number 8317
Bar code
Comment skerns
Log file
 Analyzed folder: /Users/kernsfunk/Library/RoonMounts/RoonStorage_1309be8c6bfd2f8b914a258322610fdb5c5b5f80/Jupiter Music/iTunes Media/Music/The Legendary Pink Dots/Seconds Late For the Brighton Line
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR9		-0.30 dB 	-11.97 dB 	07 Someday.m4a
 DR9		-0.30 dB 	-13.14 dB 	08 Hauptbahnhof 20_10.m4a
 DR7		-0.30 dB 	-11.00 dB 	05 God and machines.m4a
 DR8		-0.30 dB 	-11.03 dB 	03 Leap of faith.m4a
 DR8		-0.30 dB 	-11.56 dB 	09 Ascension.m4a
 DR9		-0.30 dB 	-12.37 dB 	06 No star too far.m4a
 DR8		-0.30 dB 	-10.54 dB 	04 Radiation day.m4a
 DR7		-0.30 dB 	-9.53 dB 	01 Russian roulette.m4a
 DR8		-0.30 dB 	-11.03 dB 	02 Endless time.m4a

 Number of files:	9
 Official DR value:	DR8

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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