Album details

Artist Cécile McLorin Salvant
Album Dreams And Daggers
Year 2017
Album DR 11
Min. track DR 08
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
10 10 12 10 14 09 11 14 14 12 10 13 13 11 08 12 11 12 09 14 13 09 11
Codec MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3)
Source Download
Label Mack Avenue Records
Label code
Catalog number MAC1120LP
Bar code 673203112018
Country EU
Comment MP3s from download voucher that came with the 3LP set. Bar code and Catalog number refer to the LP set.
Log file
 Analyzed folder: Dreams and Daggers
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR10		-0.39 dB 	-15.59 dB 	1-01 And Yet.mp3
 DR10		-0.44 dB 	-15.27 dB 	1-02 Devil May Care.mp3
 DR12		-1.86 dB 	-18.92 dB 	1-03 Mad About The Boy.mp3
 DR10		-1.56 dB 	-14.47 dB 	1-04 Sam Jones' Blues.mp3
 DR14		-0.82 dB 	-20.35 dB 	1-05 More.mp3
 DR9		-0.02 dB 	-14.26 dB 	1-06 Never Will I Marry.mp3
 DR11		-1.61 dB 	-18.20 dB 	1-07 Somehow I Never Could Believe.mp3
 DR14		-2.02 dB 	-20.31 dB 	1-08 If A Girl Isn't Pretty.mp3
 DR14		-3.00 dB 	-22.51 dB 	1-09 Red Instead.mp3
 DR12		-0.31 dB 	-17.25 dB 	1-10 Runnin' Wild.mp3
 DR10		-1.50 dB 	-15.67 dB 	1-11 The Best Thing For You (Would Be Me).mp3
 DR13		-0.94 dB 	-18.69 dB 	2-01 You're My Thrill.mp3
 DR13		-0.30 dB 	-18.19 dB 	2-02 I Didn't Know What Time It Was.mp3
 DR11		-1.75 dB 	-17.60 dB 	2-03 Tell Me What They're Saying Can't Be True.mp3
 DR8		-1.47 dB 	-13.53 dB 	2-04 Nothing Like You.mp3
 DR12		-1.69 dB 	-19.14 dB 	2-05 You've Got To Give Me Some.mp3
 DR11		-0.59 dB 	-17.19 dB 	2-06 The Worm.mp3
 DR12		-1.03 dB 	-19.17 dB 	2-07 My Man's Gone Now.mp3
 DR9		-0.88 dB 	-14.02 dB 	2-08 Let's Face The Music And Dance.mp3
 DR14		-0.00 dB 	-18.79 dB 	2-09 Si j'etais blanche
 DR13		-0.91 dB 	-19.65 dB 	2-10 Fascination.mp3
 DR9		-0.69 dB 	-15.55 dB 	2-11 Wild Women Don't Have The Blues.mp3
 DR11		-1.42 dB 	-17.25 dB 	2-12 You're Getting To Be A Habit With Me.mp3


 Number of files:	23
 Official DR value:	DR11

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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