Artist | Tangerine Dream |
Album | Encore (Austria) - picture disc |
Year | 1985 |
Album DR | 11 |
Min. track DR | 10 |
Max. track DR | 12 |
Track DR |
Codec | Uncompressed PCM (WAV) |
Source | Unknown |
Label | Virgin |
Label code | CDVD2506 |
Catalog number | TPAK26 |
Bar code | 5012981250621 |
Country | Austria |
Comment | Picture Disc! Part of the Tangerine Dream (3) collector's boxset containing also Cyclone & Force Majeure. Only Encore has best DR of all known releases of this gem. The other two titles from the boxset you shoud look for "no barcode" first releases, which plays better than these picture discs of Cyclone & Force Majeure. |
Algorithm | TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible) |