Album details

Artist Astrud Gilberto
Album Non-Stop to Brazil
Year 2006
Album DR 11
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 13
Track DR
13 10 10 11 12 10 11 13 10 10 10 12 11 10 10 09 11 12
Codec MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3)
Source CD
Label Verve Jazzclub
Label code LC00383
Catalog number 06024 9837700
Bar code 0 602498 377000
Country Germany
Comment Audio transferred from CD to mp3 with cdex 1.74 and lame preset 'extreme'
Log file
foobar2000 1.3.8 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2017-05-02 12:51:48

Analyzed: Astrud Gilberto / Non-Stop To Brazil

DR         Peak         RMS     Duration Track
DR13      -5.85 dB   -21.54 dB      2:30 01-Take me to Aruanda
DR10      -7.35 dB   -21.57 dB      1:51 02-Bim bom
DR10      -8.04 dB   -20.79 dB      2:27 03-I had the craziest dream
DR11      -8.09 dB   -22.45 dB      3:40 04-Tú, mi delirio
DR12      -5.44 dB   -21.35 dB      2:43 05-On my mind
DR10      -7.83 dB   -21.84 dB      3:29 06-Look to the rainbow
DR11      -7.33 dB   -21.32 dB      2:21 07-Agua de beber
DR13      -6.43 dB   -22.04 dB      3:22 08-Call me
DR10      -8.86 dB   -22.14 dB      2:02 09-Oba, oba
DR10      -6.34 dB   -21.69 dB      2:54 10-Never my love
DR10      -7.09 dB   -20.76 dB      1:35 11-Crickets sing for Anamaria
DR12      -6.60 dB   -21.34 dB      2:21 12-Fly me to the moon
DR11      -7.18 dB   -21.52 dB      3:18 13-Lugar bonito (Pretty place)
DR10      -8.02 dB   -21.42 dB      2:43 14-Meditation
DR10      -7.56 dB   -20.41 dB      1:37 15-Nao bate o Coracao
DR9       -7.27 dB   -19.80 dB      2:28 16-Non-stop to Brazil
DR11      -5.95 dB   -21.75 dB      2:22 17-Só tinha de ser com vocé
DR12      -4.46 dB   -21.36 dB      2:19 18-Nega do cabelo duro

Number of tracks:  18
Official DR value: DR11

Samplerate:        44100 Hz
Channels:          2
Bitrate:           279 kbps
Codec:             MP3
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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