Album details

Artist The Legendary Pink Dots
Album The Whispering Wall
Year 2004
Album DR 08
Min. track DR 06
Max. track DR 10
Track DR
06 08 10 09 07 10 08 10 10 09 07
Codec Apple Lossless (ALAC/MP4/M4A)
Source CD
Label Reachout
Label code
Catalog number 8286
Bar code
Comment skerns
Log file
 Analyzed folder: /Volumes/Jupiter/Jupiter Music/iTunes Media/Music/The Legendary Pink Dots/The Whispering Wall
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR6		-0.38 dB 	-9.81 dB 	01 Soft Toy.m4a
 DR8		-0.38 dB 	-9.76 dB 	02 A Distant Summer.m4a
 DR10		-0.38 dB 	-12.63 dB 	03 Dominic.m4a
 DR9		-0.38 dB 	-12.15 dB 	04 In Sickness and in Health.m4a
 DR7		-0.38 dB 	-9.55 dB 	05 For Sale.m4a
 DR10		-0.38 dB 	-12.50 dB 	06 King Of A Small World.m4a
 DR8		-0.30 dB 	-10.00 dB 	07 The Region Beyond.m4a
 DR10		over		-10.99 dB 	08 Zero 6.m4a
 DR10		-1.50 dB 	-14.21 dB 	09 Peek-A-Boo.m4a
 DR9		-0.38 dB 	-10.82 dB 	10 The Divide.m4a
 DR7		-0.38 dB 	-11.63 dB 	11 Sunken Pleasure _ Rising Pleasure _ No Walls, No Strings.m4a

 Number of files:	11
 Official DR value:	DR8

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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