Album details

Artist London Boys
Album The Twelve Commandments Of Dance
Year 1989
Album DR 17
Min. track DR 13
Max. track DR 19
Track DR
19 16 17 16 17 16 13 17 17 15 18 18
Codec MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3)
Source CD
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Log file
 Analyzed folder: C:\Users\Pat\Music\London Boys\The Twelve Commanments Of Dance\
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR19	  -0.42 dB	 -27.11 dB	 01 London Boys - Requiem.mp3
 DR16	  -1.84 dB	 -25.23 dB	 02 London Boys - Kimbaley (My Ma-Mama Say).mp3
 DR17	  -2.04 dB	 -26.75 dB	 03 London Boys - Harlem Desire.mp3
 DR16	  -2.30 dB	 -26.73 dB	 04 London Boys - Chinese Radio.mp3
 DR17	  -1.39 dB	 -25.59 dB	 05 London Boys - Wichitah Woman.mp3
 DR16	  -1.84 dB	 -25.51 dB	 06 London Boys - My Love.mp3
 DR13	  -4.64 dB	 -25.50 dB	 07 London Boys - London Nights.mp3
 DR17	  -2.31 dB	 -26.55 dB	 08 London Boys - I'm Gonna Give My Heart.mp3
 DR17	  -0.52 dB	 -26.61 dB	 09 London Boys - El Matinero.mp3
 DR15	  -1.79 dB	 -25.19 dB	 10 London Boys - Dance Dance Dance.mp3
 DR18	  -2.50 dB	 -28.06 dB	 11 London Boys - Sandra.mp3
 DR18	  -2.82 dB	 -27.99 dB	 12 London Boys - The MIDI Dance.mp3

 Number of files:    12
 Official DR value:  DR17 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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