Album details

Artist Sol Invictus
Album In the Rain
Year 1995
Album DR 09
Min. track DR 07
Max. track DR 11
Track DR
11 11 10 08 09 10 10 10 09 09 07
Codec Vorbis (OGG)
Source CD
Label Tursa
Label code
Catalog number TURSA 010CD
Bar code 5 021958 301020
Country UK
Log file
 Analyzed: In the Rain /  Artist: Sol Invictus
DR	Peak	RMS	Duration	Title [codec]	
 DR11	 -5.42 dB	 -18.99 dB	1:06	01 - Europa in the Rain I 	 [None]	
 DR11	 -0.13 dB	 -14.51 dB	4:46	02 - Stay 	 [None]	
 DR10	 -0.20 dB	 -12.98 dB	3:52	03 - Believe Me 	 [None]	
 DR8	 -0.06 dB	 -11.72 dB	4:21	04 - Down the Years 	 [None]	
 DR9	 -0.08 dB	 -11.40 dB	4:41	05 - In the Rain 	 [None]	
 DR10	 -0.10 dB	 -13.29 dB	6:28	06 - Fall Like Rain 	 [None]	
 DR10	 -0.02 dB	 -13.29 dB	2:54	07 - Oh What Fun 	 [None]	
 DR10	 -0.00 dB	 -13.91 dB	4:11	08 - An English Garden 	 [None]	
 DR9	 -0.00 dB	 -10.89 dB	4:12	09 - The World Shrugged 	 [None]	
 DR9	 -0.22 dB	 -11.44 dB	4:03	10 - In Days to Come 	 [None]	
 DR7	 -0.03 dB	 -9.34 dB	3:18	11 - Europa in the Rain II 	 [None]	
 Number of files:    11
 Official DR value:  DR9
 Sampling rate: 		 None Hz
 Average bitrate: 		 302kbs 
 Bits per sample: 		 None bit
Dr14 T.meter 1.0.16 
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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