Album details

Artist Perturbator
Album The Uncanny Valley - Bonus
Year 2016
Album DR 03
Min. track DR 01
Max. track DR 06
Track DR
02 03 03 06 04 03 01
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Blood Music
Label code BLOOD
Catalog number 163
Bar code
Country Finland
Comment Bonus disc included with the limited edition CD book version of the album. The main disc should be identical to the regular release.
Log file
 Analyzed folder: C:\Users\Chris\Music\Perturbator\The Uncanny Valley\Bonus\
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR2	  -0.18 dB	  -3.97 dB	 (The Uncanny Valley - Bonus) - 01 Vile World.wav
 DR3	  -0.10 dB	  -4.54 dB	 (The Uncanny Valley - Bonus) - 02 The Church.wav
 DR3	  -0.32 dB	  -5.59 dB	 (The Uncanny Valley - Bonus) - 03 Consecration.wav
 DR6	  -0.30 dB	  -7.40 dB	 (The Uncanny Valley - Bonus) - 04 Hard Wired [Instrumental].wav
 DR4	  -0.31 dB	  -4.83 dB	 (The Uncanny Valley - Bonus) - 05 Venger [Instrumental].wav
 DR3	  -0.30 dB	  -5.14 dB	 (The Uncanny Valley - Bonus) - 06 Future Club [Arcade Version].wav
 DR1	  -0.10 dB	  -3.11 dB	 (The Uncanny Valley - Bonus) - 07 VERS-US [Demo].wav

 Number of files:    7
 Official DR value:  DR3 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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