Album details

Artist The Intersphere
Album Relations in the Unseen
Year 2014
Album DR 05
Min. track DR 04
Max. track DR 05
Track DR
04 05 04 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 04 05
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Long Branch Records
Label code LC27057
Catalog number SPV266632CD
Bar code 886922666322
Country Germany
Log file
 Analyzed folder: /Users/bvp/Desktop/mp3/The Intersphere/Relations in the Unseen
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR4		-0.01 dB 	-5.23 dB 	01_Relations in the Unseen.wav
 DR5		-0.01 dB 	-6.07 dB 	02_Thanks for Nothing.wav
 DR4		-0.01 dB 	-6.06 dB 	03_The Ones We Never Knew.wav
 DR5		-0.01 dB 	-6.82 dB 	04_Out of Phase.wav
 DR5		-0.01 dB 	-6.71 dB 	05_Panic Waves.wav
 DR5		-0.01 dB 	-5.76 dB 	06_Joker.wav
 DR5		-0.01 dB 	-6.36 dB 	07_Tonight.wav
 DR5		-0.01 dB 	-6.67 dB 	08_Origin_ Unknown.wav
 DR5		-0.01 dB 	-6.44 dB 	09_Walk on Broken Glass.wav
 DR5		-0.01 dB 	-5.84 dB 	10_The Ghost of a Chance.wav
 DR4		-0.01 dB 	-5.79 dB 	11_... Like It Is.wav
 DR5		-0.01 dB 	-7.55 dB 	12_Golden Mean.wav

 Number of files:	12
 Official DR value:	DR5

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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