Album details

Artist Neville Brothers
Album Neville-ization - Live At Tipitina's New Orleans, Louisiana [vinyl]
Year 1984
Album DR 13
Min. track DR 13
Max. track DR 15
Track DR
13 13 14 13 13 14 15 13 13
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source Vinyl
Label Black Top Records
Label code -
Catalog number BT-1031
Bar code -
Country U.S.A.
Comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzed folder: Neville Brothers - Neville-ization (Vinyl-Rip) (1984) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Filename ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR13 -0.95 dB -16.96 dB 01 Fever.wav DR13 -0.66 dB -16.55 dB 02 Woman's Gotta Have It.wav DR14 -0.58 dB -15.96 dB 03 Mojo Hannah.wav DR13 -1.27 dB -18.03 dB 04 Tell It Like It Is.wav DR13 -1.43 dB -16.51 dB 05 Why You Wanna Hurt My Heart.wav DR14 -0.29 dB -16.07 dB 06 Fear, Hate, Envy, Jealousy.wav DR15 -0.42 dB -17.50 dB 07 Caravan.wav DR13 -2.07 dB -17.47 dB 08 Big Chief.wav DR13 -1.69 dB -16.37 dB 09 Africa.wav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of files: 9 Official DR value: DR13 ==============================================================================================
Log file
 Analyzed folder: Neville Brothers - Neville-ization (Vinyl-Rip) (1984)
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR13		-0.95 dB 	-16.96 dB 	01 Fever.wav
 DR13		-0.66 dB 	-16.55 dB 	02 Woman's Gotta Have It.wav
 DR14		-0.58 dB 	-15.96 dB 	03 Mojo Hannah.wav
 DR13		-1.27 dB 	-18.03 dB 	04 Tell It Like It Is.wav
 DR13		-1.43 dB 	-16.51 dB 	05 Why You Wanna Hurt My Heart.wav
 DR14		-0.29 dB 	-16.07 dB 	06 Fear, Hate, Envy, Jealousy.wav
 DR15		-0.42 dB 	-17.50 dB 	07 Caravan.wav
 DR13		-2.07 dB 	-17.47 dB 	08 Big Chief.wav
 DR13		-1.69 dB 	-16.37 dB 	09 Africa.wav

 Number of files:	9
 Official DR value:	DR13

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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