Album details

Artist Don Davis
Album The Matrix Reloaded (2CD)
Year 2013
Album DR 11
Min. track DR 06
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
13 11 12 08 09 12 10 06 14 14 10 09 12 14 12 10 12 13 12 12 06 09 10 11 10 10 11 10 11 11 13 12
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label La-La Land Records
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Country US
Log file
 Analyzed folder: /Volumes/JimTunes/Don Davis/The Matrix Reloaded
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR13		-0.00 dB 	-16.43 dB 	01 Main Title_Trinity vs. Car.aif
 DR11		-0.51 dB 	-16.60 dB 	02 Enter The Neb.aif
 DR12		-0.00 dB 	-16.09 dB 	03 Smith At The Door.aif
 DR8		-0.93 dB 	-10.83 dB 	04 Furious Angels.aif
 DR9		-0.00 dB 	-12.38 dB 	05 Smith vs. Smith_Free Flight.aif
 DR12		-0.07 dB 	-17.75 dB 	06 The Wonder Of Zion_The Lascivious Lift_Link And Zee.aif
 DR10		over		-12.63 dB 	07 Morpheus On The Mount_Zion Drum Source.aif
 DR6		-1.47 dB 	-10.46 dB 	08 Zion.aif
 DR14		-0.00 dB 	-19.09 dB 	09 Goodnight Zion_The Bane Transformation.aif
 DR14		-0.07 dB 	-19.54 dB 	10 Bane Voyage.aif
 DR10		-0.58 dB 	-16.42 dB 	11 First, I Must Apologize.aif
 DR9		-0.35 dB 	-12.25 dB 	12 Teahouse.aif
 DR12		-2.42 dB 	-19.66 dB 	13 The Industrial Highway.aif
 DR14		-1.37 dB 	-20.70 dB 	14 Oracle Oratory.aif
 DR12		-0.05 dB 	-15.61 dB 	15 The Purpose That Created Us.aif
 DR10		-0.26 dB 	-12.49 dB 	16 Burly Brawl.aif
 DR12		-0.98 dB 	-18.19 dB 	17 Council Of Cool_Meeting The Merovingian.aif
 DR13		-0.05 dB 	-18.50 dB 	18 Choice Is An Illusion.aif
 DR12		-0.22 dB 	-17.41 dB 	19 Sample This.aif
 DR12		-0.00 dB 	-16.87 dB 	20 Meet The Keymaker_Some Skill.aif
 DR6		-0.73 dB 	-9.15 dB 	21 Chateau.aif
 DR9		-0.00 dB 	-13.02 dB 	22 Double Trouble.aif
 DR10		-0.13 dB 	-11.93 dB 	23 Mona Lisa Overdrive.aif
 DR11		over		-14.63 dB 	24 Truck vs. Truck_The Plan_Final Flight Of The Vigilant.aif
 DR10		over		-14.39 dB 	25 Kill The Keymaker_Doddering Old Fool.aif
 DR10		over		-14.63 dB 	26 The Problem Is Choice_Window Switch_Neo Miraculous_No More Nebuchadnezzer_Conclusion Confusion.aif
 DR11		-1.36 dB 	-14.23 dB 	27 Niaiserie.aif
 DR10		-0.18 dB 	-13.39 dB 	28 Burly Brawl (Alternate).aif
 DR11		-0.01 dB 	-13.74 dB 	29 Chateau Swashbuckling (Alternate).aif
 DR11		-0.10 dB 	-16.76 dB 	30 The Plan (With Synth).aif
 DR13		-1.34 dB 	-17.08 dB 	31 Niaiserie (Instrumental).aif
 DR12		-0.09 dB 	-17.08 dB 	32 Matrix Reloaded Suite.aif

 Number of files:	32
 Official DR value:	DR11

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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