Album details

Artist Howlin' Wolf
Album The Chess Box
Year 1991
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 07
Max. track DR 18
Track DR
07 09 09 12 09 18 12 10 12 13 11 13 15 12 11 12 09 12 14 14 12 12 13 11 13 13 13 12 14 15 08 11 12 13 14 12 07 12 14 12 13 13 10 11 15 12 10 11 13 12 12 12 13 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 13 13 14 11 11 12 14 15 16 14 13 14 13
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Unknown
Label Chess
Label code
Catalog number CHD39332
Bar code 0 76732 93322 0
Comment Dynamic Range Meter 1.0.0 for foobar 2000 v1.1.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzed: Howlin' Wolf / The Chess Box -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Duration Track -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR7 -2.68 dB -12.34 dB 2:56 01-Moanin' at Midnight DR9 -2.40 dB -12.95 dB 2:42 02-How Many More Years DR9 -3.74 dB -13.97 dB 2:38 03-Howlin' Wolf Boogie DR12 -0.72 dB -15.51 dB 2:58 04-The Wolf Is At Your Door DR9 -0.18 dB -11.52 dB 2:48 05-Mr. Highway Man DR18 -0.23 dB -21.08 dB 1:57 06-Howlin' Wolf Talks #1 DR12 -0.88 dB -14.83 dB 2:50 07-Bluebird DR10 -1.11 dB -12.88 dB 2:34 08-Saddle My Pony DR12 -0.11 dB -14.52 dB 3:03 09-(Well) That's All Right DR13 -0.27 dB -17.52 dB 2:58 10-My Last Affair DR11 -0.54 dB -14.58 dB 3:02 11-Just My Kind DR13 -0.47 dB -16.86 dB 2:20 12-Work For Your Money DR15 -0.05 dB -18.62 dB 3:14 13-Mama Died and Left Me DR12 -0.10 dB -16.04 dB 2:14 14-All Night Boogie (All Night Long) DR11 -0.91 dB -15.24 dB 2:45 15-Streamline Woman DR12 -1.61 dB -14.94 dB 2:22 16-Crazy About You, Baby DR9 -2.74 dB -13.68 dB 2:35 17-You Gonna Wreck My Life (No Place To Go alt. take) DR12 -0.10 dB -13.58 dB 2:46 18-Neighbors DR14 -1.88 dB -19.10 dB 1:47 19-Howlin' Wolf Talks #2 DR14 -0.46 dB -17.29 dB 2:52 20-I'm The Wolf DR12 -0.27 dB -14.25 dB 3:03 21-Rockin' Daddy DR12 -0.06 dB -14.16 dB 2:54 22-Baby, How Long DR13 -0.08 dB -14.75 dB 2:55 23-Evil DR11 0.00 dB -14.49 dB 3:13 24-I'll Be Around DR13 -0.28 dB -15.31 dB 2:50 25-Forty Four DR13 -1.18 dB -16.85 dB 2:32 26-Who Will Be Next DR13 0.00 dB -16.60 dB 2:39 01-Don't Mess with My Baby DR12 0.00 dB -14.98 dB 3:08 02-Smokestack Lightnin' DR14 0.00 dB -16.55 dB 3:06 03-You Can't Be Beat DR15 -2.76 dB -22.73 dB 0:56 04-Howlin' Wolf Talks #3 DR8 -1.69 dB -13.73 dB 2:49 05-I Asked for Water DR11 -0.95 dB -15.34 dB 2:09 06-The Natchez Burnin' DR12 0.00 dB -15.50 dB 2:23 07-Who's Been Talking DR13 -0.14 dB -16.25 dB 2:58 08-Tell Me DR14 -0.30 dB -16.93 dB 2:33 09-Sittin' on Top of the World DR12 -0.51 dB -15.96 dB 2:36 10-I Didn't Know DR7 -2.09 dB -11.00 dB 2:48 11-Moaning for My Baby DR12 -0.70 dB -15.09 dB 3:32 12-Change My Way DR14 -0.81 dB -16.46 dB 2:43 13-I Better Go Now DR12 -1.09 dB -15.12 dB 2:32 14-Howlin' for My Darling DR13 -0.39 dB -17.12 dB 2:38 15-I've Been Abused DR13 -1.01 dB -16.21 dB 3:21 16-Mr. Airplane Man (alternate take) DR10 -0.47 dB -12.32 dB 2:23 17-Wang Dang Doodle DR11 -0.62 dB -13.16 dB 2:48 18-Back Door Man DR15 0.00 dB -23.48 dB 0:26 19-Howlin' Wolf Talks #4 DR12 -0.59 dB -14.60 dB 2:44 20-Spoonful DR10 -0.44 dB -15.34 dB 2:34 21-Down in the Bottom DR11 -0.16 dB -13.90 dB 2:15 22-Shake for Me DR13 -0.08 dB -17.13 dB 2:27 23-The Red Rooster DR12 -0.44 dB -15.71 dB 2:27 24-You'll Be Mine DR12 -0.39 dB -15.64 dB 2:57 25-Just Like I Treat You DR12 -0.42 dB -15.28 dB 2:53 26-I Ain't Superstitious DR13 -0.78 dB -16.59 dB 4:02 27-Goin' Down Slow DR11 -1.48 dB -14.80 dB 2:57 28-Tail Dragger DR11 -1.84 dB -15.20 dB 2:22 01-Hidden Charms DR12 -2.43 dB -15.98 dB 3:06 02-Three Hundred Pounds of Joy DR11 -2.49 dB -15.27 dB 2:39 03-Built for Comfort DR12 -0.20 dB -15.56 dB 2:52 04-Love Me, Darlin' DR12 -0.20 dB -15.82 dB 2:50 05-Killing Floor DR11 -1.48 dB -16.53 dB 2:37 06-My Country Sugar Mama DR11 -0.76 dB -15.78 dB 2:44 07-Louise DR12 -0.31 dB -17.79 dB 3:15 08-I Walked from Dallas DR13 -2.13 dB -18.67 dB 2:49 09-Tell Me What I've Done DR13 -1.26 dB -16.95 dB 3:15 10-Don't Laugh at Me DR14 -1.13 dB -17.20 dB 2:38 11-Ooh, Baby (Hold Me) DR11 -1.00 dB -13.82 dB 2:56 12-New Crawlin' King Snake DR11 -1.11 dB -14.88 dB 2:53 13-My Mind is Ramblin' DR12 -1.02 dB -14.61 dB 3:07 14-Commit a Crime DR14 -0.23 dB -18.02 dB 2:56 15-Dust My Broom DR15 -2.90 dB -21.62 dB 5:08 16-I'm the Wolf (acoustic solo) DR16 -1.27 dB -21.75 dB 5:51 17-Ain't Goin' Down that Dirt Road (acoustic solo) DR14 -0.11 dB -17.22 dB 3:04 18-Mary Sue DR13 -0.23 dB -17.15 dB 3:12 19-Hard Luck DR14 -0.64 dB -20.81 dB 5:56 20-The Red Rooster (London Sessions w/ false start and dialog) DR13 -1.20 dB -15.47 dB 2:44 21-Moving -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of tracks: 75 Maximum peak difference (0.00 dB - -3.74 dB): 3.74 dB Official DR value (Song Mode): DR12 ================================================================================
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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