Album details

Artist Austin Wintory
Album ABZÛ
Year 2016
Album DR 09
Min. track DR 07
Max. track DR 12
Track DR
Codec MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3)
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Comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzed folder: D:\Downloads\zik\ABZÛ OST\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Filename ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR8 -0.62 dB -11.76 dB 01 To Know, Water.mp3 DR8 -0.65 dB -14.36 dB 02 Heaven was not named.mp3 DR12 -0.70 dB -16.93 dB 03 Seriola lalandi.mp3 DR10 -0.66 dB -14.17 dB 04 And the Earth did not year bear a name.mp3 DR8 -1.32 dB -12.58 dB 05 Delphinus delphis.mp3 DR7 -0.59 dB -11.19 dB 06 No field was formed.mp3 DR9 -0.61 dB -13.33 dB 07 Caranx ignobilis.mp3 DR9 -0.58 dB -13.28 dB 08 Myliobatis aquila.mp3 DR9 -0.66 dB -13.20 dB 09 No destinies ordained.mp3 DR9 -0.55 dB -13.45 dB 10 Balaenoptera musculus.mp3 DR9 -6.68 dB -20.49 dB 11 Architeuthis.mp3 DR10 -0.48 dB -13.68 dB 12 Chaos, the mother.mp3 DR12 -0.64 dB -15.71 dB 13 Arandaspis prionotolepis.mp3 DR11 -0.61 dB -14.80 dB 14 Elasmosaurus platyurus.mp3 DR9 -0.61 dB -13.59 dB 15 Ichthyosaurus communis.mp3 DR9 -0.67 dB -13.64 dB 16 Osteoglossum bicirrhosum.mp3 DR10 -0.60 dB -14.07 dB 17 Their waters were mingled together.mp3 DR11 -0.43 dB -15.46 dB 18 Then were created the gods in the midst of Heaven.mp3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of files: 18 Official DR value: DR9 ==============================================================================================
Log file
 Analyzed folder: D:\Downloads\zik\ABZ
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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