Album details

Artist Paavo Jarvi & Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
Album Mussorgsky: Pictures At An Exhibition - Night On Bald Mountain
Year 2008
Album DR 13
Min. track DR 10
Max. track DR 20
Track DR
15 12 20 10 13 11 14 12 10 11 11 12 14 10 17 15 13
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Unknown
Label Telarc
Label code
Catalog number SACD-60705
Bar code 089408070563
Country USA
Comment Converted CD layer of Hybrid Sacd to .wav using XLD on Mac. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzed folder: /Users/faisalmasood/Music/Night ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Filename ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR15 -0.12 dB -21.51 dB (null) DR12 -11.93 dB -28.02 dB (null) DR20 -1.29 dB -28.63 dB (null) DR10 -27.19 dB -40.38 dB (null) DR13 -16.10 dB -34.86 dB (null) DR11 -12.43 dB -27.17 dB (null) DR14 -15.26 dB -34.87 dB (null) DR12 -8.15 dB -26.46 dB (null) DR10 -16.84 dB -33.29 dB (null) DR11 -18.69 dB -36.94 dB (null) DR11 -11.94 dB -29.27 dB (null) DR12 -12.76 dB -31.52 dB (null) DR14 -5.97 dB -26.78 dB (null) DR10 -26.81 dB -41.85 dB (null) DR17 -0.16 dB -22.83 dB (null) DR15 -0.13 dB -21.40 dB (null) DR13 -13.57 dB -33.47 dB (null) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of files: 17 Official DR value: DR13 ==============================================================================================
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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