Album details

Artist Metallica
Album Hardwired...To Self Destruct
Year 2016
Album DR 11
Min. track DR 11
Max. track DR 12
Track DR
11 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 11
Codec Apple Lossless (ALAC/MP4/M4A)
Source Vinyl
Label Blackened Recordings
Label code
Catalog number BLCKND031-D
Bar code 8 58978 00530 1
Country USA
Comment Three disc vinyl box set edition. Recorded on Numark TT turntable with Shure N97XE stylus and Shure M97xE cartridge. Run-off: A, C, E: Hardwired to... B, D, F: Make our own vinyl B, D, F: Made on the Metallipress
Log file
 Analyzed folder: /Volumes/HDD/Metallica/FLACs/untitled folder
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR11		-4.24 dB 	-16.53 dB 	01 Hardwired.m4a
 DR11		-4.39 dB 	-16.72 dB 	02 Atlas, Rise!.m4a
 DR11		-4.58 dB 	-16.55 dB 	03 Now That We're Dead.m4a
 DR11		-4.39 dB 	-16.49 dB 	04 Moth Into Flame.m4a
 DR11		-4.11 dB 	-16.73 dB 	05 Am I Savage.m4a
 DR11		-4.24 dB 	-17.00 dB 	06 Halo On Fire.m4a
 DR12		-3.62 dB 	-17.03 dB 	07 Confusion.m4a
 DR11		-4.22 dB 	-16.85 dB 	08 Dream No More.m4a
 DR12		-2.27 dB 	-17.27 dB 	09 ManUNkind.m4a
 DR12		-4.08 dB 	-17.04 dB 	10 Here Comes Revenge.m4a
 DR11		-5.13 dB 	-17.38 dB 	11 Murder One.m4a
 DR11		-4.70 dB 	-17.33 dB 	12 Spit Out the Bone.m4a
 DR12		-3.90 dB 	-17.04 dB 	13 Lords of Summer.m4a
 DR11		-5.04 dB 	-17.84 dB 	14 Hardwired (live).m4a

 Number of files:	14
 Official DR value:	DR11

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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