Album details

Artist The Neal Morse Band
Album The Similitude of a Dream
Year 2016
Album DR 09
Min. track DR 08
Max. track DR 11
Track DR
10 09 11 08 09 09 08 09 08 09 08 09 09 10 09 10 11 11 09 09 09 09 08
Codec Apple Lossless (ALAC/MP4/M4A)
Source Download
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Log file
 Analyzed folder: /The Neal Morse Band/The Similitude of a Dream
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR10		-2.09 dB 	-18.12 dB 	1-01 Long Day.m4a
 DR9		-0.10 dB 	-10.22 dB 	1-02 Overture.m4a
 DR11		-4.75 dB 	-19.56 dB 	1-03 The Dream.m4a
 DR8		-0.00 dB 	-10.05 dB 	1-04 City of Destruction.m4a
 DR9		-0.10 dB 	-11.80 dB 	1-05 We Have Got to Go.m4a
 DR9		-0.10 dB 	-11.03 dB 	1-06 Makes No Sense.m4a
 DR8		-0.10 dB 	-10.20 dB 	1-07 Draw the Line.m4a
 DR9		-0.10 dB 	-11.35 dB 	1-08 The Slough.m4a
 DR8		-0.10 dB 	-9.98 dB 	1-09 Back to the City.m4a
 DR9		-0.10 dB 	-11.76 dB 	1-10 The Ways of a Fool.m4a
 DR8		-0.10 dB 	-9.67 dB 	1-11 So Far Gone.m4a
 DR9		-0.10 dB 	-12.65 dB 	1-12 Breath of Angels.m4a
 DR9		-0.10 dB 	-11.23 dB 	2-01 Slave to Your Mind.m4a
 DR10		-0.10 dB 	-12.43 dB 	2-02 Shortcut to Salvation.m4a
 DR9		-0.10 dB 	-10.23 dB 	2-03 The Man in the Iron Cage.m4a
 DR10		-0.10 dB 	-11.96 dB 	2-04 The Road Called Home.m4a
 DR11		-0.10 dB 	-14.50 dB 	2-05 Sloth.m4a
 DR11		-0.10 dB 	-12.84 dB 	2-06 Freedom Song.m4a
 DR9		-0.10 dB 	-10.93 dB 	2-07 I'm Running.m4a
 DR9		-0.10 dB 	-14.38 dB 	2-08 The Mask.m4a
 DR9		-0.10 dB 	-10.15 dB 	2-09 Confrontation.m4a
 DR9		-0.10 dB 	-10.91 dB 	2-10 The Battle.m4a
 DR8		-0.10 dB 	-11.21 dB 	2-11 Broken Sky _ Long Day (Reprise).m4a

 Number of files:	23
 Official DR value:	DR9

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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