Album details

Artist :wumpscut:
Album Bunkertor 7
Year 1995
Album DR 10
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 13
Track DR
09 09 10 11 09 11 12 09 09 12 12 13
Codec MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3)
Source CD
Label Beton Kopf Media
Label code ETAH
Catalog number 2
Bar code 4017030123339
Country Germany
Comment Comes in regular jewelcase with 8-page fold-out cardboard booklet. No barcode on regular artwork. Only a Discordia distribution sticker (including barcode and distribution number) appears on the jewel case. All tracks on BT 7 were written, arranged, produced, performed and digitalized 1995 in LA.
Log file
 Analyzed folder: E:\Wumpscut\1995 - Bunkertor 7\
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR9	  -2.52 dB	 -15.56 dB	 01. Open Gate.mp3
 DR9	  -0.96 dB	 -12.95 dB	 02. Torn Skin.mp3
 DR10	  -0.69 dB	 -12.81 dB	 03. Dying Culture (Second Movement).mp3
 DR11	  -0.92 dB	 -13.90 dB	 04. Bunkertor 7 (German Texture).mp3
 DR9	  -1.44 dB	 -12.02 dB	 05. Mortal Highway.mp3
 DR11	  -0.80 dB	 -12.47 dB	 06. Corroded Breed.mp3
 DR12	  -1.16 dB	 -14.68 dB	 07. Die In Winter.mp3
 DR9	  -1.40 dB	 -13.90 dB	 08. Bunkertor 7 (Reprised).mp3
 DR9	  -0.87 dB	 -12.41 dB	 09. Capital Punishment.mp3
 DR12	  -1.24 dB	 -16.48 dB	 10. Thorns.mp3
 DR12	  -1.17 dB	 -14.69 dB	 11. Tell Me Why.mp3
 DR13	  -1.35 dB	 -18.32 dB	 12. Close Gate.mp3

 Number of files:    12
 Official DR value:  DR10 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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