Album details

Artist Fleetwood Mac
Album Mirage (2 CD)
Year 2016
Album DR 10
Min. track DR 08
Max. track DR 12
Track DR
09 10 10 08 12 11 11 10 09 10 09 09 10 11 11 10 11 10 10 09 09 12 10 10 10 09 10 10 11 09 09 09
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Source CD
Label Warner
Label code LC00392
Catalog number 081227946333
Bar code 081227946333
Country EU
Log file
foobar2000 1.3.9 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2016-09-22 16:50:45

Analyzed: Fleetwood Mac / Mirage (Deluxe)

DR         Peak         RMS     Duration Track
DR9       -0.20 dB   -11.82 dB      3:15 01-Love In Store
DR10      -0.52 dB   -12.11 dB      2:43 02-Can't Go Back
DR10      -0.39 dB   -12.74 dB      3:10 03-That's Alright
DR8       -1.03 dB   -11.70 dB      3:23 04-Book Of Love
DR12      -0.32 dB   -14.20 dB      4:27 05-Gypsy
DR11      -0.52 dB   -13.88 dB      4:10 06-Only Over You
DR11      -0.42 dB   -13.37 dB      2:52 07-Empire State
DR10      -0.38 dB   -12.94 dB      4:12 08-Straight Back
DR9       -0.33 dB   -11.87 dB      3:45 09-Hold Me
DR10      -0.61 dB   -12.63 dB      2:39 10-Oh Diane
DR9       -1.14 dB   -11.50 dB      3:46 11-Eyes Of The World
DR9       -0.20 dB   -11.73 dB      4:51 12-Wish You Were Here
DR10      -0.20 dB   -12.15 dB      3:38 13-Love In Store (Early Version)
DR11      -1.51 dB   -17.21 dB      2:15 14-Suma's Walk aka Can't Go Back (Outtake)
DR11      -0.79 dB   -14.43 dB      3:08 15-That's Alright (Alternate Take)
DR10      -0.20 dB   -11.76 dB      3:58 16-Book Of Love (Early Version)
DR11      -0.37 dB   -13.13 dB      5:34 17-Gypsy (Early Version)
DR10      -0.29 dB   -12.20 dB      5:00 18-Only Over You (Alternate Version)
DR10      -0.20 dB   -12.73 dB      3:26 19-Empire State (Early Version)
DR9       -0.37 dB   -12.63 dB      5:44 20-If You Were My Love (Outtake)
DR9       -0.34 dB   -11.52 dB      5:20 21-Hold Me (Early Version)
DR12      -0.35 dB   -14.59 dB      2:55 22-Oh Diane (Early Version)
DR10      -0.28 dB   -12.03 dB      4:54 23-Smile At You (Outtake)
DR10      -0.37 dB   -11.89 dB      3:13 24-Goodbye Angel (Original Outtake)
DR10      -0.20 dB   -12.31 dB      4:31 25-Eyes Of The World (Alternate Early Version)
DR9       -0.35 dB   -11.90 dB      4:18 26-Straight Back
DR10      -0.39 dB   -13.33 dB      5:00 27-Wish You Were Here (Alternate Version)
DR10      -0.33 dB   -14.74 dB      3:23 28-Cool Water
DR11      -1.09 dB   -13.82 dB      4:51 29-Gypsy (Video Version)
DR9       -0.27 dB   -12.00 dB      2:21 30-Put A Candle In The Window (Run-Through)
DR9       -0.84 dB   -11.83 dB      4:00 31-Teen Beat (Outtake)
DR9       -0.39 dB   -11.43 dB      1:32 32-Blue Monday (Jam)

Number of tracks:  32
Official DR value: DR10

Samplerate:        44100 Hz
Channels:          2
Bits per sample:   16
Bitrate:           905 kbps
Codec:             FLAC
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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