Album details

Artist Dark Angel
Album Darkness Descends
Year 1999
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 11
Max. track DR 13
Track DR
12 11 11 12 12 13 12
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Source CD
Label Combat/Relativity
Label code N/A
Catalog number 1749-2
Bar code 088561174927
Country USA
Comment Part of Combat's "Remasters of Metal" series from 1999. The main difference from subsequent reissues is this one only contains the 7 original tracks from the album and NO bonus tracks. It is also much less compressed than the subsequent reissues. Even though the tray card says "Remastered", I don't think this edition is. CD is a silver CD with the band logo and track numbers on it. Interestingly, the penultimate track Black Prophecies is DR13 on this one, and DR12 on the 1986 CDs. foobar2000 1.3.11 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 log date: 2016-09-06 20:45:45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzed: Dark Angel / Darkness Descends -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Duration Track -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR12 -2.65 dB -15.64 dB 5:53 01-Darkness Descends DR11 -2.40 dB -15.28 dB 3:19 02-The Burning Of Sodom DR11 -2.65 dB -15.40 dB 4:19 03-Hunger Of The Undead DR12 -2.75 dB -16.41 dB 4:08 04-Merciless Death DR12 -2.32 dB -15.50 dB 4:18 05-Death Is Certain (Life Is Not) DR13 -2.58 dB -16.06 dB 8:34 06-Black Prophecies DR12 -1.47 dB -15.51 dB 4:51 07-Perish In Flames -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of tracks: 7 Official DR value: DR12 Samplerate: 44100 Hz Channels: 2 Bits per sample: 16 Bitrate: 964 kbps Codec: FLAC ================================================================================
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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