Album details

Artist Pearl Jam
Album Vs. [The Vinyl Classics, Spiegel Edition]
Year 2004
Album DR 10
Min. track DR 08
Max. track DR 12
Track DR
Codec Advanced Audio Coding (AAC/MP4/M4A)
Source CD
Label Epic
Label code
Catalog number EPC 474549 2
Bar code 5 099747 454950
Country EU
Comment This is a CD which looks line a small vinyl LP. Comes in a grey slipcase with, among other things, the text "The Vinyl Classics" and "Spiegel Edition".
Log file
 Analyzed folder: Music/Pearl Jam/Vs_
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR9		over		-10.78 dB 	01 Go.m4a
 DR8		over		-9.33 dB 	02 Animal.m4a
 DR11		-0.10 dB 	-13.97 dB 	03 Daughter.m4a
 DR10		over		-11.54 dB 	04 Glorified G.m4a
 DR9		over		-10.13 dB 	05 Dissident.m4a
 DR10		over		-11.09 dB 	06 W.M.A..m4a
 DR10		over		-10.98 dB 	07 Blood.m4a
 DR8		over		-9.70 dB 	08 Rearviewmirror.m4a
 DR10		over		-11.94 dB 	09 Rats.m4a
 DR12		over		-13.13 dB 	10 Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town.m4a
 DR9		over		-10.25 dB 	11 Leash.m4a
 DR10		-0.17 dB 	-12.80 dB 	12 Indifference.m4a

 Number of files:	14
 Official DR value:	DR10

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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