Album details

Artist Manowar
Album Into Glory Ride
Year 1994
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 12
Max. track DR 13
Track DR
12 12 13 12 12 12 12
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Geffen
Label code
Catalog number GEFD-24538
Bar code 720642453827
Country USA
Comment *** IFPI code on hub - Matrix code DIDX-043062 1 * ** ******* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzed: Manowar / Into Glory Ride -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Duration Track -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR12 0.00 dB -14.97 dB 4:14 01-Warlord DR12 0.00 dB -13.30 dB 5:50 02-Secret of Steel DR13 0.00 dB -14.60 dB 5:25 03-Gloves of Metal DR12 0.00 dB -14.27 dB 7:12 04-Gates of Valhalla DR12 0.00 dB -14.20 dB 7:42 05-Hatred DR12 0.00 dB -13.53 dB 6:32 06-Revelation (Death's Angel) DR12 0.00 dB -14.00 dB 8:28 07-March for Revenge (By The Soldiers Of Death) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of tracks: 7 Maximum peak difference (0.00 dB - 0.00 dB): 0.00 dB Album Totals: Left Right Peak Value: 0.00 dB --- 0.00 dB Avg RMS: -14.04 dB --- -14.04 dB DR channel: 11.97 dB --- 12.05 dB -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official DR value (Album Mode): 12 ================================================================================
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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