Album details

Artist James Horner
Album Titanic: Music From the Motion Picture
Year 1997
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 15
Track DR
10 11 13 11 15 15 12 13 13 13 14 09 13 11 11
Codec Apple Lossless (ALAC/MP4/M4A)
Source CD
Label Sony Classical / Sony Music Soundtrax
Label code
Catalog number SK 63213
Bar code 074646321324
Country USA
Log file
 Analyzed folder: /Volumes/DATA/music/James Horner/Titanic_ Music From the Motion Picture
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR10		-8.23 dB 	-23.94 dB 	01 - Never an Absolution.m4a
 DR11		-1.17 dB 	-23.31 dB 	02 - Distant Memories.m4a
 DR13		-1.00 dB 	-20.82 dB 	03 - Southampton.m4a
 DR11		-9.72 dB 	-25.73 dB 	04 - Rose.m4a
 DR15		-0.57 dB 	-20.24 dB 	05 - Leaving Port.m4a
 DR15		-0.37 dB 	-20.52 dB 	06 - "Take her to sea, Mr. Murdoch".m4a
 DR12		-0.27 dB 	-17.64 dB 	07 - "Hard to starboard".m4a
 DR13		-3.35 dB 	-21.84 dB 	08 - Unable to Stay, Unwilling to Leave.m4a
 DR13		-0.74 dB 	-17.35 dB 	09 - The Sinking.m4a
 DR13		-0.16 dB 	-17.90 dB 	10 - Death of Titanic.m4a
 DR14		-8.71 dB 	-29.34 dB 	11 - A Promise Kept.m4a
 DR9		-11.23 dB 	-25.79 dB 	12 - A Life So Changed.m4a
 DR13		-6.73 dB 	-26.24 dB 	13 - An Ocean of Memories.m4a
 DR11		-6.96 dB 	-21.60 dB 	14 - My Heart Will Go On (love theme from 'Titanic').m4a
 DR11		-7.12 dB 	-22.61 dB 	15 - Hymn to the Sea.m4a

 Number of files:	15
 Official DR value:	DR12

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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