Album details

Artist Khachaturian / Sibelius
Album Violin Concertos
Year 2004
Album DR 16
Min. track DR 15
Max. track DR 17
Track DR
16 15 15 17 16 16
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Naive
Label code
Catalog number 4959
Bar code
Comment 1. Concerto for Violin in D minor by Aram Khachaturian Performer: Sergey Khachatryan (Violin) Conductor: Emmanuel Krivine Orchestra/Ensemble: Sinfonia Varsovia Period: 20th Century Written: 1940; USSR Date of Recording: 07/2003 Venue: Studio 1, Polish Radio, Warsaw, Poland Length: 37 Minutes 25 Secs. 2. Concerto for Violin in D minor, Op. 47 by Jean Sibelius Performer: Sergey Khachatryan (Violin) Conductor: Emmanuel Krivine Orchestra/Ensemble: Sinfonia Varsovia Period: Romantic Written: 1903-1905; Finland Date of Recording: 07/2003 Venue: Studio 1, Polish Radio, Warsaw, Poland Length: 32 Minutes 27 Secs.
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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