Album details

Artist Nina Nastasia
Album On Leaving
Year 2006
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 13
Track DR
13 09 13 11 10 12 11 12 12 12 12 13
Codec Other lossless codec
Source CD
Label Fat Cat
Label code
Catalog number FATCD47
Bar code
Country UK
Log file
 Analyzed folder: /Users/mglen/Desktop/AIFF Rips/Nina Nastasia/On Leaving
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR13		over		-16.69 dB 	01 Nina Nastasia - Jim's Room.aif
 DR9		over		-11.12 dB 	02 Nina Nastasia - Brad Haunts a Party.aif
 DR13		over		-15.85 dB 	03 Nina Nastasia - Our Day Trip.aif
 DR11		over		-15.41 dB 	04 Nina Nastasia - Counting Up Your Bones.aif
 DR10		over		-13.14 dB 	05 Nina Nastasia - Dumb I Am.aif
 DR12		-1.38 dB 	-15.82 dB 	06 Nina Nastasia - Why Don't You Stay Home.aif
 DR11		over		-12.56 dB 	07 Nina Nastasia - One Old Woman.aif
 DR12		over		-15.48 dB 	08 Nina Nastasia - Treehouse Song.aif
 DR12		over		-16.28 dB 	09 Nina Nastasia - Lee.aif
 DR12		over		-15.04 dB 	10 Nina Nastasia - Settling Song.aif
 DR12		over		-15.25 dB 	11 Nina Nastasia - Bird of Cuzco.aif
 DR13		-0.95 dB 	-18.54 dB 	12 Nina Nastasia - If We Go to the West.aif

 Number of files:	12
 Official DR value:	DR12

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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