Album details

Artist The Cry
Album Quick, Quick Slow
Year 2002
Album DR 15
Min. track DR 14
Max. track DR 17
Track DR
16 15 16 16 15 14 17 16 15 14 14 16
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label So-Real
Label code
Catalog number SOREALCD101
Bar code 5 019148 632245
Country UK
Log file
 Analyzed folder: C:\Users\Desktop\The Cry - Quick, Quick Slow\
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR16	  -2.08 dB	 -20.32 dB	 (01) [The Cry] No Time for Love.wav
 DR15	  -2.75 dB	 -20.14 dB	 (02) [The Cry] Laughing & Crying.wav
 DR16	  -2.02 dB	 -19.28 dB	 (03) [The Cry] Take It Round Again.wav
 DR16	  -2.30 dB	 -19.77 dB	 (04) [The Cry] Don't Cry.wav
 DR15	  -0.22 dB	 -19.65 dB	 (05) [The Cry] Quick Quick Slow.wav
 DR14	  -1.51 dB	 -18.72 dB	 (06) [The Cry] Money Talks.wav
 DR17	  -1.00 dB	 -20.49 dB	 (07) [The Cry] Dreamland.wav
 DR16	  -0.98 dB	 -19.43 dB	 (08) [The Cry] Welcome to the Club.wav
 DR15	  -1.66 dB	 -18.87 dB	 (09) [The Cry] Before the Boat Goes Down.wav
 DR14	  -3.65 dB	 -20.08 dB	 (10) [The Cry] Need You.wav
 DR14	  -2.48 dB	 -19.26 dB	 (11) [The Cry] Take It Round Again (re-mix).wav
 DR16	  -3.70 dB	 -21.54 dB	 (12) [The Cry] The Money Goes Down (instr. clubmix).wav

 Number of files:    12
 Official DR value:  DR15 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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