Album details

Artist Elvis Costello and the Attractions
Album Almost Blue
Year 1989
Album DR 08
Min. track DR 07
Max. track DR 10
Track DR
07 08 10 09 08 09 07 08 07 09 07 09
Codec Other lossless codec
Source CD
Label Columbia
Label code
Catalog number CK 37562
Bar code 07464375622
Country USA
Comment Original CD Issue. [Doubtful, unless Columbia shipped the CDs from their pressing plant in a Tardis instead of a truck. CDs only went on sale in 1982.] (Probably 1989 release date, based on entry for the album release: . I updated the year to 1989 instead of 1981.) Edit: This is probably one of the 'secret' Columbia remasters that appeared around 1990-ish. The original Columbia cd's appeared around 1986, usually just after the UK Demon/IMP/FIEND equivalents. The DR ratings seem quite loud for such an early mastering, though...
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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