Album details

Artist Pearl Jam
Album Rearviewmirror (Greatest Hits 1991–2003) [Disc One]
Year 2004
Album DR 06
Min. track DR 05
Max. track DR 07
Track DR
05 06 07 06 05 06 07 06 06 06 06 05 06 05 07 06
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Unknown
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Comment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzed: Pearl Jam / Rearviewmirror CD1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Duration Track -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR5 -0.10 dB -6.40 dB 3:16 01-01 Once (2004 Remix) DR6 -0.10 dB -6.72 dB 5:42 02-02 Alive (2004 Remix) DR7 -0.10 dB -8.15 dB 5:03 03-03 Even Flow DR6 -0.10 dB -7.63 dB 5:20 04-04 Jeremy DR5 -0.10 dB -6.91 dB 3:43 05-05 State Of Love And Trust DR6 -0.10 dB -7.18 dB 2:47 06-06 Animal DR7 -0.10 dB -8.13 dB 3:12 07-07 Go DR6 -0.10 dB -7.78 dB 3:34 08-08 Dissident DR6 -0.10 dB -7.13 dB 4:44 09-09 Rearviewmirror DR6 -0.10 dB -6.92 dB 2:49 10-10 Spin The Black Circle DR6 -0.10 dB -8.00 dB 4:39 11-11 Corduroy DR5 -0.10 dB -7.51 dB 5:53 12-12 Not For You DR6 -0.10 dB -8.49 dB 4:51 13-13 I Got Shit DR5 -0.17 dB -6.68 dB 3:44 14-14 Hail, Hail DR7 -0.10 dB -8.12 dB 3:52 15-15 Do The Evolution DR6 -0.10 dB -6.70 dB 3:55 16-16 Save You -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of tracks: 16 Maximum peak difference (-0.10 dB - -0.17 dB): 0.07 dB Album Totals: Left Right Peak Value: -0.10 dB --- -0.10 dB Avg RMS: -7.33 dB --- -7.41 dB DR channel: 5.50 dB --- 5.74 dB -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official DR value (Album Mode): 6 ================================================================================
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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