Album details

Artist Adele
Album Skyfall [7'']
Year 2012
Album DR 10
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 11
Track DR
09 11
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Vinyl
Label XL
Label code
Catalog number XLS593
Bar code 634904059378
Country UK
Comment Analyzed folder:/iTunes/Music/Adele/Skyfall (Vinyl) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Filename ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR9 -5.29 dB -18.69 dB 01 Skyfall.m4a DR11 -5.91 dB -21.07 dB 02 Skyfall (Insturmental).m4a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of files: 2 Official DR value: DR10 Hideous. The numbers do not seem to match up with how much of a compressed mess this is. I was hoping that the vinyl would give a different mastering than the downloads. All that is gained is a slight opening at the top end and less clipping. Why bother performing with a 77 piece orchestra if all you do is compress all the instruments together so none if them are distinguishable from each other. Avoid.
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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