Album details

Artist Valorie Miller
Album Half Rain
Year 2017
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Source CD
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Log file
Folder Path:   E:\Valorie Miller - Half Rain\Half Rain

      File Name | Format |    SR | Max. TPL LEFT | Max. TPL RIGHT | Word Length | Bits Used | Max. TPL | Max. SPPM LEFT | Max. SPPM RIGHT | Max. SPPM (JOINT) | RMS LEFT | RMS RIGHT | Max. M LEFT | Max. M RIGHT | Max. M | Max. S LEFT | Max. S RIGHT | Max. S |  LUFSi | DR LEFT | DR RIGHT | DR (PMF) |   PLR |  LRA | Min. PSR | 

  Cross To Bear |  .flac | 44.1k |         -9.01 |          -5.18 |          16 |        16 |    -5.18 |          -9.03 |           -5.20 |             -5.20 |   -26.54 |    -22.91 |      -20.05 |       -15.99 | -17.56 |      -23.47 |       -19.38 | -20.98 | -25.20 |   12.39 |    13.19 |       13 | 20.02 | 6.73 |    10.10 | 
      Half Rain |  .flac | 44.1k |         -3.55 |          -7.90 |          16 |        16 |    -3.55 |          -3.63 |           -7.91 |             -3.63 |   -19.29 |    -23.86 |      -12.32 |       -16.64 | -14.07 |      -17.65 |       -21.08 | -19.07 | -22.12 |   13.79 |    13.90 |       14 | 18.57 | 6.14 |     9.24 | 
King Of Trouble |  .flac | 44.1k |         -2.10 |          -2.21 |          16 |        16 |    -2.10 |          -2.12 |           -2.23 |             -2.12 |   -15.55 |    -15.81 |      -11.77 |       -11.60 | -12.01 |      -14.57 |       -14.80 | -14.91 | -17.25 |   11.05 |    11.52 |       11 | 15.15 | 4.24 |     7.72 | 
 Luckiest Angel |  .flac | 44.1k |         -2.93 |          -1.97 |          16 |        16 |    -1.97 |          -2.95 |           -2.02 |             -2.02 |   -18.22 |    -17.72 |      -12.37 |       -12.72 | -12.84 |      -15.78 |       -15.73 | -15.96 | -18.90 |   12.29 |    12.40 |       12 | 16.93 | 8.86 |     8.99 | 
One Little Moon |  .flac | 44.1k |         -4.23 |          +0.05 |          16 |        16 |    +0.05 |          -4.24 |            0.00 |              0.00 |   -19.78 |    -14.41 |      -11.73 |        -6.91 |  -9.10 |      -14.11 |        -9.73 | -11.38 | -16.25 |   11.16 |    11.41 |       11 | 16.25 | 7.69 |     9.11 | 
 One Sided Coin |  .flac | 44.1k |         -6.19 |          -5.63 |          16 |        16 |    -5.63 |          -6.19 |           -5.65 |             -5.65 |   -17.01 |    -16.39 |      -14.28 |       -13.76 | -14.05 |      -16.38 |       -16.01 | -16.19 | -18.11 |    9.42 |     9.39 |        9 | 12.48 | 2.63 |     7.67 | 

Number of EP/Album Files: 6
Official EP/Album DR: 12
Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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