Album details

Artist Claude Debussy
Album Claude Debussy - The Composer as Pianist
Year 2000
Album DR 13
Min. track DR 10
Max. track DR 17
Track DR
16 15 13 13 15 13 16 12 12 15 14 13 13 17 10 13 11 11
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Pierian Recording Society
Label code
Catalog number Pierian 0001 [The Caswell Collection, Vol. 1]
Bar code 50532 16302 4
Country US
Comment Original recordings from 1904 and 1913 on Welte Mignon paper rolls. Played on a restored 1923 Feurich Welte piano and recorded without computerising in stereo, using two vintage Neumann KM 83 microphones. Roll preparation, transfers and recording engineer: Kenneth K. Caswell. Producer: Karl F. Miller.
Log file
 Analyzed: Claude Debussy - The Composer as Pianist (01-14 Paris 1913, 15-18 Paris 1904)
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR16	  -5.68 dB	 -29.13 dB	 01 Préludes, Book I.1. Danseuses de Delphes.wav
 DR15	  -0.10 dB	 -22.23 dB	 02 Préludes, Book I.10. La cathédrale engloutie.wav
 DR13	  -9.16 dB	 -26.60 dB	 03 Préludes, Book I.11. La danse de Puck.wav
 DR13	  -2.29 dB	 -21.65 dB	 04 Préludes, Book I.12. Minstrels.wav
 DR15	  -2.64 dB	 -23.37 dB	 05 Préludes, Book I.3. Le vent dans la plaine.wav
 DR13	  -1.69 dB	 -21.91 dB	 06 La plus que lente.wav
 DR16	  -1.99 dB	 -25.04 dB	 07 Estampes II. La soirée dans Grenade.wav
 DR12	  -1.13 dB	 -19.83 dB	 08 Children's Corner 1. Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum.wav
 DR12	 -11.61 dB	 -28.66 dB	 09 Children's Corner 2. Jimbo's Lullaby.wav
 DR15	  -2.16 dB	 -22.09 dB	 10 Children's Corner 3. Serenade for the Doll.wav
 DR14	  -2.92 dB	 -24.02 dB	 11 Children's Corner 4. The Snow is Dancing.wav
 DR13	 -11.23 dB	 -30.63 dB	 12 Children's Corner 5. The Little Shepherd.wav
 DR13	  -4.02 dB	 -22.68 dB	 13 Children's Corner 6. Golliwogg's Cake Walk.wav
 DR17	  -3.73 dB	 -26.81 dB	 14 D'un cahier d'esquisses.wav
 DR10	 -10.23 dB	 -26.29 dB	 15 Pelléas et Mélisande - Mes longs chevaux.wav
 DR13	  -8.18 dB	 -25.55 dB	 16 Ariettes oubliées 5. Green.wav
 DR11	  -9.27 dB	 -26.10 dB	 17 Ariettes oubliées 3. L'ombre des arbres.wav
 DR11	  -8.67 dB	 -24.63 dB	 18 Ariettes oubliées 2. Il pleure dans mon coeur.wav

 Number of files:    18
 Official DR value:  DR13 
 DR Offline Meter 1.4

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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